Thursday, July 25, 2019

I Love a Parade

Three reasons for “I love a parade.” 

Your city or Chamber of Commerce may be sponsoring parade or festival this summer or in fall.  Ask yourself three questions:

Do your employees want to participate? 

It can be a lot of fun. It might involve creating a float, a booth, dressing up in shirts that id your nonprofit.  However, it doesn’t necessarily serve your mission, and it may take employees away from their jobs. You have to consider how you will pay them.  
If the answer to the question is Yes, go to question 2 if
No, stop.

     Is it good for publicity? 

That depends upon the audience.  If it’s a parade, more than likely there will families and young children.  If your clients are teenagers, they won’t be there.  Maybe, the fair brings in people from out of town so they will begin to recognize your work.  It’s a chance to hand out a few brochures too.  
If the answer to question 2 is Yes, go to question 3, if


No, stop.

      Does it generate revenue either directly or indirectly?

This one doesn’t apply to municipalities but just to nonprofits.  Are there opportunities either directly at the festival or indirectly through a related fundraiser to generate revenue?  Sometimes you can rent a booth for a nominal fee.  A nonprofit had a rubber-ducky fundraiser in the summer along with other summer city activities.  People bought rubber duckies to float down a small stream.  It was a lot of work retrieving rubber duckies.  If it’s fun for employees, and it generates great publicity, you still might want to participate.  Still keep in mind each year, what you are trying to accomplish.

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