Thursday, August 18, 2016

New On-line HR course for government and nonprofits

PPM 632 Human Resource Management
for Public, Nonprofit, and Health Organizations

On-line (3 credits)

Class Begins Thursday, Sept 1, 2016

Managing human resources in any organization is one of the top management responsibilities whether you are in a public, nonprofit or health organization.  Yet it is fraught with fads.  Ever wonder why a policy is written in a particular way?  Ever wonder how you motivate employees?  We'll answer these questions and more and help you figure out whether the latest fad or gimmick is going to last.  

This course is designed using a competency based approach.  A particular emphasis is placed on understanding motivation; equal employment opportunity law; wage systems; and succession planning.

Who should take this course?

Consider this course if you are or intend to be a manager. Most people will not be working in HR, but you will be supervising others sometime in your career.

Technology needs: Course conducted using the university’s web-based educational delivery system called “BlackBoard.”  Access to a high-speed internet connection is required. 

Books: Books include Drive, Daniel Pink; Getting to Yes, Fisher and Ury; Dresang, Dennis, Personnel Management in Government Agencies and Nonprofit Organizations.

Cost:  $1140 plus $139 in fees

Course Instructor: Carolyn Ball, PhD, Associate Professor, USM, Muskie School of Public Service, has taught HR for over 23 years and has worked in the field.  She has written several scholarly articles on workforce issues, in particular on workforce diversity and discrimination.

To register: Registration is easy; tel: 207-780-5230 or   Students enrolling in this class must hold a bachelor's degree. For more information on the course, contact the instructor at