I was getting on a bus going between Portland and Bangor, Maine. By all who take this bus, it is convenient, comfortable and easy. As I got on a disagreement was taking place between a passenger and a bus employee. I didn’t really pay much attention. It continued and I heard, you didn’t pay. Yes, I did. Where are you going? We’ll call the police. It went on for a few minutes inconveniencing a full bus of 40 or 50 passengers. We were already a little late starting even before the incident. Being a little late isn’t quite the issue, problem solving concern, it once was. Almost all of us can call and tell friends or family we’re running late.
Suddenly I decided that this was silly. For $25, this problem could be ended. I became stressed as I tried to get my wallet. I had a knapsack on wheels so had trouble getting out the wallet. By the time I made my way to the front, the passenger was showing his driver’s license and presumably was going to be billed. If only I had been quicker to find a creative solution, just giving a passenger the money the problem could have been solved quickly.
Although we talk about the need for creative and innovative employees, I found it was natural for me. I don’tI train groups to be more innovative explicitly, only through the tools I previously mentioned. I’m sure I and others wondered whether “they” would solve the problem. It wasn’t up to me or you or was it? Have you been in a situation where your quick thinking solved a problem?